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The Tunnel Rats who paid the supreme sacrifice in Vietnam are resting in peace in capital cities and remote towns across Australia - and in one case Malaysia, where our first KIA is buried in Terendak Cemetery.

All of us knew some of these men well. We trained with them, went on Operations with them, laughed and drank with them. And because we worked in two-man, five-man and ten-man teams, in many cases, we were with them when they died.

As we ourselves are getting on in age, we should make an effort to “go see our mates again”. Even if those buried closest to where you live are men you didn’t know personally, visit the grave to pay your respects. Let them know we are still very proud Sappers, and that we honour them regularly and thank them for their service and sacrifice.


Other Engineer Corp fatalities of the Vietnam era

WO2 Lindsay Bancks

17 Const died at Moorebank Aust 10th June 1969

Corporal Noel Smith

21 Eng Sup Trp Non Battle Casualty, burns from exploding stove 28th March 1971

Sapper Martinus Schuit

17 Const 22nd Oct 1970 Fell off truck in Vung Tau

Sapper David Briggs

Small Ships died in Australia 30th July 1967

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